Jesper Jerkert, selected scientific, popular, and musical publications

Please note that the list is incomplete.

Books written or edited by me are described here.

Music created, arranged, or edited by me is also found here.

In progress

67. Jesper Jerkert: Femton traditionella sånger till jul och lucia i sättningar för blandad kör.
66. Jesper Jerkert: Assessing the practical arguments for randomisation in clinical trials.
65. Jesper Jerkert: Assessing the theoretical arguments for randomisation in clinical trials.


64. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525—1594), Kyrie from Missa Papae Marcelli, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
63. Jesper Jerkert: Festivitas: Polonaise for a celebration for orchestra.
62. Jesper Jerkert: Albinonis adagio?, Tidig musik 1/2021, 24–25.
61. Jesper Jerkert: Philosophical Aspects of Evidence and Methodology in Medicine, PhD thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology [DiVA].
60. Jesper Jerkert: On the meaning of medical evidence hierarchies, Philosophy of Medicine 2(1), 1–21 [Full text].
59. Richard Strauss (1864—1949), Serenade in E flat major, op. 7, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
58. Jesper Jerkert: Review of Forskningsetik för humaniora by Håkan Salwén, Filosofisk tidskrift 4/2021, 45–49.
57. Jesper Jerkert: Review of Philosophy of Medicine by Alex Broadbent, Theoria 86(1), 2020, 128–136.
56. Jesper Jerkert: I vårsolens glans, medley on five Walpurgis tunes for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) with snare drum ad lib. [score].
55. Jesper Jerkert: Tomtegubbar och juleljus, medley on five Swedish Christmas songs for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [score].
54. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756—1791), Serenade in C minor, K 388, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
53. Tor Aulin (1866—1914): Fyra akvareller (Four Water-Colours), arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in A or in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
52. Jesper Jerkert: Science in Theory and Practice: An Introductory Survey, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Philosophy, Stockholm, 2019 (300 pp). (For further information, see book page.)
51. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809—1847), Trauer-Marsch, op. 103, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in A, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
50. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756—1791), Kanonisches adagio, K 410/484d, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
49. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756—1791), Die Zauberflöte: Uvertyr, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
48. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756—1791), Le nozze di Figaro: Uvertyr, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
47. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756—1791), Così fan tutte: Uvertyr, arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
46. Antonín Dvořák (1841—1904), Serenade for Wind Instruments in D minor, op. 44 (1878), arranged by Jesper Jerkert for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, French horn in F, bassoon) [IMSLP].
45. Kaspar Förster (1616—1673): Dulcis amor Jesu for two sopranos, two violins, and basso continuo, critical edition by Jesper Jerkert [score (pdf) and parts (zip)] [IMSLP]
44. Jacob Struve (1767—1826): String Quartet in D Minor, critical edition by Jesper Jerkert [score (pdf) and parts (zip)] [IMSLP]
43. Jesper Jerkert: Bereden väg för Herran, paraphrase on Sw. hymn no. 103 for mixed choir (SSAATTBB) [pdf]
42. Jesper Jerkert: Negative mechanistic reasoning in medical intervention assessment, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36, 2015, 425–437.
41. Jesper Jerkert: Suite di fugati in stile antico per quintetto di fiati for wind quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, bassoon) [pdf].
40. Jesper Jerkert: Blindning och randomisering: historia och syften (Blinding and randomization: history and purposes), Folkvett 1–2/2015, 29–49.
39. Jesper Jerkert: Goder afton, goder afton. Potpurri över julvisor av Alice Tegnér för kör och orkester (Medley on Christmas songs by Alice Tegnér for choir and orchestra) [first pages of score (pdf)].
38. Jesper Jerkert: Flum i riksdagen 2010–2014 (Pseudoscience in the Swedish Parliament 2010–2014), Sans 3/2014, 28–32.
37. Jesper Jerkert: CD:n är död: Länge leve CD:n!, OPUS nr 52, feb–mars 2014, 30–34.
36. Jesper Jerkert: Om valkretsstorlekars spärreffekter (On effective thresholds due to constituency size) [info and pdf].
35. Jesper Jerkert: Why alternative medicine can be scientifically evaluated: Countering the evasions of pseudoscience. In Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem, eds M. Pigliucci & M. Boudry, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 305–320.
34. Jesper Jerkert: Review of The Philosophy of Evidence-Based Medicine by Jeremy H. Howick, Theoria 79(2), 2013, 180–186.
33. Jesper Jerkert: Tjugo visor av Alice Tegnér i sättningar för blandad kör (SATB) [Twenty children's songs by Alice Tegnér arranged for mixed choir (SATB)], [pdf].
32. Jesper Jerkert: Enbart evidens räcker inte för vårdbeslut (Evidence only is not sufficient for health decisions), Vetenskap & Praxis 3–4/2012, 6–7 [pdf].
31. Jesper Jerkert: Från ad hoc till önsketänkande – en guide till pseudovetenskapens värld (“From Ad Hoc to Wishful Thinking: A Guide to the World of Pseudoscience”), Fri Tanke, Stockholm, 2012 (261 pp). (For further information, see book page.)
30. Jesper Jerkert: Review of Science in the Age of Computer Simulation by Eric Winsberg, Theoria 78(2), 2012, 168–175.
29. Jesper Jerkert: Reflections on Saul Kripke's Naming and Necessity (1980). Unpublished. [pdf]
28. Jesper Jerkert: Varför åberopar man inte det övernaturliga i vetenskapen? (Why don't we invoke supernature in science?), Filosofisk Tidskrift 4/2011, 41–49.
27. Jesper Jerkert: Svartvit kamp om mobiltelefoni (review of Mobiltelefonins hälsorisker: Fakta om vår tids största miljö- och hälsoskandal by Mona Nilsson), Folkvett 2/2011, 56–65 [pdf].
26. Jesper Jerkert: Ett test med en svensk rutgängare (A test of a Swedish dowser), Folkvett 1/2011, 86–95.
25. Jesper Jerkert: Review of Enharmonic Instruments and Music, 1470–1900 by Patrizio Barbieri, Svensk Tidskrift för Musikforskning (Swedish Journal of Musicology) vol. 92 (2010), 121–123 [pdf].
24. Jesper Jerkert: Handbok för KTH:s filosofilärare (Handbook for Philosophy Teachers at KTH), booklet, 85 pp.
23. Jesper Jerkert: Vad vet vi idag om elöverkänslighet? (What do we know today about electromagnetic hypersensitivity?), Folkvett 2/2010, 33–39 [pdf].
22. Jesper Jerkert: Tomatis – för bra för att vara sant? (Tomatis – too good to be true?), Vetenskap & Historia 2/2010, 22–23.
21. Jesper Jerkert: Peer review-systemet för vetenskaplig publicering [pdf] (The peer review system in scientific publishing), text intended as course reading in a university course on general science.
20. Jesper Jerkert: Fyll den medicinska kunskapsluckan på nätet (Fill the medical knowledge gap online), KI-bladet 5/2009, 9.
19. Jesper Jerkert and Sven Ove Hansson: Alternativ till pseudovetenskap (Alternatives to pseudo-science), Vandringar med böcker no 4, 2009, Bibliotekstjänst.
18. Jesper Jerkert: Krav på randomisering är ingen slump (On the importance of randomization), Vetenskap & praxis 1/2009, 12–13 [html].
17. Jesper Jerkert: En parapsykolog ser tillbaka, del 1 (Interview with Joakim Westerlund, part 1), Folkvett 3/2008, 14–35 [pdf]; part 2, Folkvett 1/2009, 15–30 [pdf].
16. Jesper Jerkert: Bör man randomisera i kliniska prövningar? (Should we randomize in clinical trials?), Bachelor thesis in theoretical philosophy, Stockholm University, 2008.
15. Jesper Jerkert: The two months argument for parapsychological research, Skeptical Inquirer July/Aug 2007, 62–64 [pdf].
14. Jesper Jerkert: Akustik från grunden (“Basic Acoustics”), Audionomprogrammet, Dept of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC), Karolinska Institute. First edition (155 pp) 2006, second edition (224 pp) 2008, third edition (226 pp) 2009. (Sample chapter; for further information, see book page.)
13. Jesper Jerkert: Övernaturligt trolleri (Supernatural magic). In: Jesper Jerkert (ed.), Fakta eller fantasier, Stockholm 2007, 53–68 [pdf].
12. Jesper Jerkert: Musikmyter (Music myths). In: Jesper Jerkert (ed.), Fakta eller fantasier, Stockholm 2007, 99–105 [pdf].
11. Jesper Jerkert and Sven Ove Hansson: A Swedish professorship in parapsychology, Skeptical Inquirer July/Aug 2006, 8 [pdf].
10. Jesper Jerkert: What's wrong with social studies of science?, course paper, Dept of Philosophy, Stockholm University, 2006. Unpublished [pdf].
9. Jesper Jerkert: Lundaprofessuren i parapsykologi tillsatt (The appointment of a Lund professor in parapsychology), Folkvett 3/2005, 23–34 [pdf].
8. Jesper Jerkert: Miljöpartiet vilse i vetenskapen (The Greens lost in science), Läkartidningen 102(38), 2005, 2671–2675.
7. Jesper Jerkert: Att undersöka kontroversiella fenomen (Investigating controversial phenomena). In: Jesper Jerkert & Sven Ove Hansson (eds), Vetenskap eller villfarelse, Stockholm 2005, 289–305, 339–340 [pdf].
6. Jesper Jerkert: Slagrutan i folktro och forskning (Dowsing in folklore and research). In: Jesper Jerkert & Sven Ove Hansson (eds), Vetenskap eller villfarelse, Stockholm 2005, 11–37, 309–312 [pdf].
5. Jesper Jerkert: Godtrogenhetens psykologi (The psychology of gullibility), Folkvett 4/2004, 6–18 [pdf].
4. Jesper Jerkert: Musical articulation in the organ, Joint Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting 2004, Proceedings (24 pp) [pdf]
3. Jesper Jerkert: Measurements and models of musical articulation. M.Sc. thesis in music acoustics, KTH, 2004.
2. Jesper Jerkert: Psi-spåret – en kritik (The psi track – a critique), Folkvett 2/2003, 41–47 [pdf].
1. Jesper Jerkert: Sokals lyckade bluff (reviews of The Sokal Hoax by the editors of Lingua Franca, and Fashionable Nonsense by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont), Folkvett 4/2001, 41–49 [pdf].

This page was updated 2022-03-25.